
Thursday, December 2, 2010


That's right, it's started SNOWING here in England!!

It started just after Thanksgiving in parts of the UK, but didn't snow here until Monday night. Kari got REALLY excited that she might not have school on Tuesday, but so far it hasn't been that bad. It snowed more last night, my guess is about an inch, but I really have NO idea.
I've been bundling up when I go I wore knitted tights under my jeans, AND socks. Plus a beanie, gloves, arm warmers, a scarf, and a coat over my shirt and cardigan.

Kari's out for the night for a school thing, and it's just me and Ellie at home tonight, so we had a snowball fight after school, it was awesome. We had one on Tuesday too, and she got me right in the eye, but we've since discussed snowball fight etiquette, which in my world includes NOT hitting people in the face. Much better efforts today, no one got hit in the face.

Other than snow, not a lot out of the ordinary has been happening here...I got to have "Thanksgiving" here, Penny and Kevin were both out that night, so Selena and Kiv very kindly brought over turkey, carrots, cranberry sauce, and some non-Thanksgiving foods like sausages and yorkshire puddings. I made corn bread [my favorite!] and rainbow chip cupcakes...Which I ALMOST messed up so bad. I added 1 1/3 cups of oil instead of 1/3 of a cup of oil, and since it was a box mix, I wasn't sure how to fix it! I ended up putting regular flour in until the consistency looked better, and they turned out pretty good, so hooray for an avoided catastrophe!

I've been doing lots of exploring on walks with Bindi, and there are SO MANY gorgeous green areas around here.

I'm flying back to Ohio on December 14th, I'm super excited!!! My momma and Nate will be at the airport when I get there, the plan is for them to meet me at my gate, I'm really getting impatient! I want to start packing already but know it's still just a LITTLE too soon!

And with that, I leave you with pictures!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The last month or so

I feel like a horrible blogger, it's been almost a month since my last post, and that one was pretty boring [no pictures. I know about 80% of my friends are "visual" people, so they probably didn't read that last post...come to think of it they might not read this one either!]. Sorry!

I'm making up for it though, lots of pictures for this post, in slideshow form again. I'm going to try to talk about everything that I have pictures of, so either skip to the end to watch that first, or read it all first. Either way. =]

My brother turned 20 on October 10th, he got the best birthday ever this year: 10-10-10. Seriously. Not fair. On his birthday, I went into London with Selena and her friends Lauren and Kiv. We were going to see a band from Beaconsfield [not far from here] play a show that night, but also wanted to hang out in the city while we were out there. We went to a couple arcade-type places, which was cool because I got to see all the games that are the same here and at home, and the ones that are different.
We had lunch at a TGI Friday's, which is one of my favorite restaurants back home, so I was THRILLED! And, it was decorated with a ton of American sports stuff, like a old-school Mighty Ducks logo. I was a happy camper there!
One of the best parts was getting to meet up with Allister, an old friend from home who is studying for a year in London. Allister and I probably haven't seen each other in 5 or 6 or more years [since sometime in high school], but it was so great to meet up with someone else who "gets it" about what I'm missing. And I couldn't have met up with anyone who "got it" more than Allister, since he lives about 6 streets away from my family at home!

This past weekend, Marika and I went to London to go to the Tower of London, which I know I went to when I was here with People to People when I was 12, but I don't remember a lot of. It was great to get to go back as an adult and see it all again, and maybe this time I'll actually remember more of it! =] Another reason that going here was such a big deal to me was that my Aunt Monica, whom I stayed with while I was in Ohio this summer, LOVES King Henry VIII, and I've been on a mission since getting here to find her a great Henry postcard. Since the Tower of London was where Henry kept his prisoners [including a number of his wives], there were BOUND to be postcards and souvenirs of him aplenty there...and there were! There were some really cool ones, but I stuck with the post cards for her and a charm for my charm bracelet for me. I did see some postcards that I'm positive are in my People to People scrapbook in a box at my parent's house, which goes to show you that they keep the same ones for at least 10 years. King Henry VIII's armor was there, which was super cool to see, because he was rather large for his time.
Anyway, the Tower is spooky, pretty much all the way through. When you think about the loooooong history the place has, it's hard to not realize how spooky it is! So many people were prisoners there [a lot probably for reasons that wouldn't be considered "good" nowadays]. One part that really stuck with me was The Princes in the Tower, which I don't remember hearing about before. Supposedly, these brothers were taken to the tower after their dad, the king, died, and they were seen a few times after that, but never again. There are 3 people who are suspected of possibly killing them, if they were actually killed. I like mystery things, so this was super-interesting to me. But I also like solid, for-sure endings, so I don't like that there's no conclusion about how these poor boys died. Also, it's confusing to read about because everyone had the same names, and people have a lot of titles that are used to identify them. I feel like I'm still in school when I read about these kinds of things!
I also have always been really interested in Henry VIII and all his wives, and this kind of history was always so cool to me, from a social perspective, not from a fighting and political aspect. It's nice to be able to "study" things the way you want to and not the way schools and textbooks force you too. =]
Anyway, the Tower was a lot of fun, but now my cousins Jason and Dawn are mad at me for not going to a cheese sandwich place near there that they went to and insisted was life changing. Sorry guys!!!

In other news, fall has definitely started here, but I think it might be confused with winter, because it has been COLD here recently! We had a few weeks where it barely got above 40 or 50F during the day, and the nights are obviously colder than that! Taking Bindi for a walk has involved a lot more layering up, including but not limited to coats, scarves, gloves, arm warmers and beanies. BRR. I asked Penny and she said it's not usually quite this cold this early in the year, so I'm guessing winter will only get worse. No snow [yet] but I'm kind of hoping that it snows before the end of the month, at least once. Of course, once it starts I'll want it to stop, but oh well!

While taking Bindi for walks wasn't 100% my favorite thing at first, I've really started to enjoy it because it gives me a chance to explore new places around where I live. There's a great area just down the street that's all enclosed where I can let her off her lead and she can run around. It's beautiful right now with all the leaves, but I've been told it's even better in the spring, so I'm excited for that. I've gone the other direction with her a few times too, and found a HUGE wooded area/open area that is absolutely beautiful. We just don't have these kinds of things in California...they're all "national parks" or trails, at least where I'm from. Plus, going on long, meandering walks has been some great exercise! That's my excuse for not working out, at least! =]

Halloween was pretty low-key. Ellie decorated a LOT a few days before, and we just took the decorations down today. We carved pumpkins and Selena was here for that too, so she did one. Penny's a HUGE Elvis fan, so Selena made an Elvis pumpkin for her that turned out pretty awesome. I was really impressed with what Harry, Kari and Ellie did with theirs, I think all 8 pumpkins looked great. The kids got two each, and then Selena and I each did one. Harry ended up staying at a friend's house on Halloween night, and both of the girls decided they didn't want to trick or treat, so we stayed in.

The past week, Penny and Kevin have been in California/Las Vegas, so I've been in charge. No one has been injured and nothing is broken, so I'm feeling that it's gone well. =] Ellie's been a little sad, but we've made it and Mum & Dad come home tomorrow, she's very excited! Ellie had "Roman Day" at school today, and she got to wear a cool costume to school for it. She liked it so much she didn't want to change when she got home! There are a few pictures of her goofing off before school this morning [which I'm sure she'll be mad about when she sees, but oh well!] Selena's been over most days while Penny and Kevin have been gone, she's been great in providing me with grown-up company. Also, we're determined to finish the 1,000 piece puzzle the girls started on the kitchen table a few weeks ago, so secretly, I think that's why she keeps coming back! ;-] We decided we HAVE to finish it before I leave for Christmas...December 14 is the deadline! I think we'll be done before then because we [mostly Selena] made awesome progress on it this past weekend and week.

I know this was a LONG post again, but here's your reward: Pictures!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Change is hard: Things I'm adjusting to and what's going on in my life right now

While I do have a weekend-recap post to write at some point this week [I think], I've been really caught up lately thinking about just how much things have changed for me in the last six months. Because really, if I want to remember everything, I have to write about things other than weekend trips to London, right? Really, if you don't want to, you don't have to read all this.

The most obvious, based on this blog, is the fact that I'm living in a foreign country. Moving to a country where you only know about 3 people that you've met face-to-face [that aren't even the people you're going to live with] is tough, no joke. The only people I "knew" coming here were a few co-workers of my dad's. I was flying across an ocean to live with people I had never met...It was terrifying! Luckily, everything is going EXTREMELY well, I'm loving it here, the family is incredibly nice [hi guys! :)], I've met a load of other au pairs who are awesome, an old friend from home recently moved to London as well, and I've met some random people along the way also. Having the chance to learn about another culture and travel at this age is amazing, I'm so excited to be here. But with all good things come some bad...

The biggest change for me, though, is that my parents are in the process of getting a divorce after over 20 years of marriage. Learning about that was, quite frankly, the biggest shock of my life. They flew me home about a week after I found out about this job, and told me, since they wanted me to know before I made my final decision about coming here. That was one of the worst weekends of my life. I had just broken up with the boy I'd been dating for almost a year because of the fact that I wanted to come to England, and now my parents were telling me that they were getting divorced. Oh, and my mom wanted me to come home for part of the the house they were both still living in...At that point, ANYTHING sounded better than that. Especially running away to a country about 5,000 miles away from all that. Sounded good to me! I may be gone for now, but they both know I'm coming back...eventually. My current favorite phrase is "it is what it is" because there's nothing I can do but accept that it's happening. I'm not thrilled, but I'm less angry than I was when I first found out. I know I can't run from it forever, so going home and facing that again is going to be another major adjustment. I'll deal with that when I have to though.

Being done with school for good is a hard transition. When you've been in school at least 9 months out of the year for the last 16 or so years, every time you realize you're not going back again, it's a weird feeling. I never HAVE to read a book again. I never HAVE to shoot a photo assignment again. I never HAVE to write anything again. I never HAVE to be in the lab again. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. School was fun, and I do miss it, but not enough to want to go back and do it all again, or any more.

Two weeks ago, I was the most homesick I've been the whole time I've been here [just over two months this week!]. I spent a good hour on Skype with my mom one night crying because I just was so upset. I didn't want to go home, but I was feeling very, very alone. Being around all new people is HARD. It's hard to tell someone your entire background story of your life in a few weeks, so I was feeling very much like I didn't have a lot of people around here that I could talk to candidly about a lot of things going on in my life..stuff with my parents and other random things from home. Don't get me wrong, the friends I'm making here are great, but you have to admit that nothing compares to the people that you know and that know you without having to dive in to a ton of background story for everything. Combine that with feeling like people from home were getting to the point of "out of sight, out of mind" with me, and I was really sad. I'm not mad at anyone, not at all. I know I've done it before, it's easy and I get that. I just was feeling very alone and missing a lot of people. Not to mention, I had been trying to nail down Christmas plans, and I wasn't feeling like I was getting a ton of response from my parents, which was hard for me to handle. It's all sorted now, but at the time, I was having a tough, tough week.

Time differences are so hard to get used to...especially 8 hours. Yeah, that's the time difference from here to California. All through college I called my mom almost every day at some point or another [and some days multiple times] just to talk and say hi. It was easy, because generally speaking, if I was up, so was she, because it was the same time where she was and where I was. But that doesn't work anymore, for a few obvious reasons. I'm 8 hours ahead of home, so the best time for me to talk to people from home is in the evening here, which is around noon there. Usually I talk to my dad a few days a week around lunch time, and my mom too. Right now my mom is traveling, visiting my brother and her brother, and my dad leaves on Monday for a big huge work trip, which unfortunately doesn't take him to England this year.

And those are just the "big" differences that are coming to mind right away. There are also a ton of little things that are different. Speaking the same language as everyone but still missing so much through accents and slight language differences. Right now I'd have to say the biggest one for me is the word "pants," which to me means anything that's not a skirt or shorts that I wear on my legs, but here means underwear. Yup, that's not embarrassing to say wrong. Not at all. Or the fact that I don't think I'll ever quite get used to the steering wheel being on the other side of the car, or that cars are driving on the other side of the road from what I'm used to. But, dealing with these things is nothing compared to the good times I'm having and the things I'm not to say pants. ;]

I have met a lot of really nice people here, especially the family I live with. I'm so, so glad I decided to do this, because I just know that if I hadn't, I would have spent the rest of my life thinking "what if?". Which would suck. I would have never had this opportunity be able to experience so many new things at once is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

Oh, and to all my family members reading, we'll be in Ohio for Christmas this year. My mom and I will be there December 14-January 5, but I'm not sure when my dad and Nathan will be there. California people...I'm sorry to say I won't be "home" [unless things change] until summer time.

I think that's enough rambling for now. Hopefully I didn't lose EVERYONE...but thanks for making it to the end, you didn't really have to read that all. =]

Friday, October 8, 2010

London Weekend + I Grew A Monkey

Hello there blogworld! Thanks for being here today!

On that note, I never know how to start a blog. Any tips would be greatly goes!

Last weekend I went to London on Sunday with Marika, the Finnish au pair who drives a Fit aka Jazz. We also went out on Saturday night to Beaconsfield, to meet up with a Canadian au pair named Stephanie that we met. [This is relevant, I swear...] Saturday night we got to the train station to take the train ONE station up, and found out that there were NO TRAINS running this weekend out here. They had planned closures for repairs to the lines, so they were running buses that left once every 20 minutes, which was kind of lame.

Anyway, in the early afternoon on Sunday we trekked back to the station to take a bus out to Hillingdon, where we would be able to get on the tube to take to London.
It had been raining a LOT last week....this is what the road near my house looked like Sunday morning on the way to the station...flooded all the way across both sidewalks and the whole street:

And just for some reference, here's an extended map of the tube station, and I put a big X where GX is, just so everyone can see!

The tube system has SO many lines that go so many different ways and have different ending points/offshoots. It's going to take me a while to get this one down the way I have Muni down...I *think* that if you click on this it will get bigger...or it might just go to the site I got the map from in the first place, where you can make it bigger anyway!

Instead of a 30-45 minute ride on one train, we had a 15-20 minute ride on a bus, then a 30-45 minute train ride. Oh well. While we were on the bus, another passenger caught our attention. While we walked into the train station I told Marika that I thought she was an au pair, because I'd over heard her at the station and on the bus that she was an Australian and she wasn't sure if she was going to move to GX or not, and she wasn't familiar with the area yet. We ended up talking to her at the Hillingdon station and it turns out she was going to be an au pair in GX pretty soon. We exchanged contact information and are now Facebook friends, and I'm excited to have someone else near by who is an au pair!

So, Marika and I had plans to meet up with her friend Caroline, also an au pair, who is from Germany. Caroline wasn't/isn't happy with her house family, so she's actually leaving this weekend to work in France instead. Marika and I both wanted to go to the Tower of London since I haven't been since my People to People trip nine years ago and she's never been. It turns out Caroline had been already, so she didn't want to go, but we decided to go to Harrod's, a huge, fancier-than-Nordstrom's department store, which is a biiiiiiig deal, just to look around. We got there after a number of train changes and waiting, and also ended up eating at McDonald's. It's cheap and fast and the same in every country, what can I say! =]

Marika outside Harrod's

Me and Caroline outside Harrod's. [Hi mom, see, I am here! ;)]

Some of the sweets in Harrod's...SO MUCH CANDY EVERYWHERE!

Santa candy already!


Marika resting on a display in the store.

Olympics souvenirs...even though they're almost 2 years away...

I might have to go back and see if they make this shirt in my size...this was the kid's department. =]

What I thought was the best part about Harrod's was at one point while we were on the escalator, all of the sudden I thought the music changed a lot. It turned out there was a LIVE opera singer in one of the balconies singing. It was AMAZING. I'm crossing my fingers that this video uploads before I'm done writing this, because she was really good! [UPDATE: Okay this uploaded but I can't tell if it's working or not...someone let me know! Thanks to everyone who let me know it's working!]

My first video upload success!!!!! [I hope!]

We also went up to Notting Hill to see where the movie was filmed/set, even though I've never seen it. It was nice to see it without all the carnival madness going on! There was supposed to be a tube strike that night, so Marika and I needed to head back to GX before about 5, and we got home just fine, luckily. 

Clouds here were beautiful!

And the houses are so colorful!

Cute wellies I saw on Portobello Road!

Hi again Mom!

This week I had somewhat of an adventure with Bindi on Monday. I went to the wooded area down the street to take her for a walk. It's an enclosed area, and usually we let her off the lead when she's in there and she's pretty good about not going too far away from you...almost like she's afraid you're going to leave her there [which is a good reason to be afraid, I think!]. I was taking her lead off right outside the gate, and usually she walks right through the gate just fine, but this time she didn't, and ran off down the street. I felt like I was chasing Sparky, it was awful. Luckily she didn't go TOO far away, but it was still a nice little run I took!

This weekend both of my parents are in Texas to see Nate for his birthday...the big 2-0 for him this Sunday! My brother is living on his own for the first time this year, and he seems to be...well...he's surviving, but struggling. He hasn't had lights in his bathroom or half his kitchen since he moved in in early August because he had to flip surges and didn't know. That's my brother for you! I do miss him a lot and am excited that my parents are there for his birthday and the beginning of his baseball season. I'm looking forward to reporting highlights for everyone as Nate continues to kick butt on the diamond this season [last season he was the division record holder for doubles!]!!!

While Nate turns 20 on Sunday, I'll be going to London with Selena, who's also Ellie's tennis coach, to see a local band play a show. It turns out Selena and I have pretty similar music taste, so hopefully we find more shows to go to!

I also have dates for going to the States for Christmas. I'll be in Ohio/the east coast from December 11-January 4, and hopefully my mom and I are going to take some kind of little road trip while I'm out there. No California trips though, sorry guys!

Oh, and the "Amanda Grew A Monkey" bit...Ellie likes to hang on me like a monkey some days...see?





Then she falls and can't get up because she's laughing so hard.

And finally, one more picture for mom...Proof I'm here again! [I post ONE picture on Facebook mobile and suddenly she thinks I'm not here!] This one's by Ms. Ellie!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Skype Chat EVER!

My dad is spending this week and the two surrounding weekends on the East Coast. In Ohio both weekends to visit family, and in Toronto during the week for business. The BEST part of this for me is that I got to Skype with my Grandma, who is 88 years old. Just this past week, my cousins Matt and TerriLynn had a baby girl, Madison Lynn, bringing my grandma's great-grandchild count up to 9...Then more cousins, Lex and Lindsey, announced that they're expecting their second baby! Very exciting!!!

My dad's not 100% perfect at aiming the camera, so he cut Grandma's head off a few times, but honestly this was the best Skype chat I've ever had!!!
She didn't entirely know what to think, I think...She thought it was super expensive, then dad told her it was free..and she tired to kick me off a few times "okay well you have a lovely time and I miss you and I love you" type things, then we'd stop her and say I wasn't going anywhere yet. It was funny. Hopefully we'll get to do it again when dad is there next weekend.

Grandma and Dad.
Uncle Bob, Dad, Aunt Monica, Uncle Terry and Aunt Chris around Grandma's head.
Dad giving Grandma bunny rude! ;-]

And bonus: two shots of what I sent dad for his birthday...
He was moving it around in front of the camera and singing the Jaws theme song.....Yup, this is my father...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This weekend I went to London again. I left on Saturday afternoon after taking Ellie to judo [which was fun to watch, I've never seen so many small kids safely tackling each other!]. I met up with Hannah and Mollie at Oxford St. where they were shopping. We had plans to go to Church, another Australian bar that people flock to on Sundays, the next day. Apparently people wear what they call "fancy dress" to Church...In my mind, fancy dress means, well, a dress and heels and the like. Here, it means costumes. This place was like being at a high school dance that had a theme...but with booze. Anyway, we were going as crayons, and had to make my dress/buy fabric to make it. We made a pit stop in Hamley's, a HUGE toy store. It had 5 stories and basically every toy EVER.

I promised pictures, and here they are! Instead of a loooooong scroll through of photos, I made a slide show! It might go a little fast [sorry! I'm going to try to find a better site to make the slide shows on...], but you can pause it and just click through the pictures at your own pace. It's pretty much the whole past month, from the Adidas Women's 5K challenge that Penny, Kari and Ellie ran to the trip to London from this past weekend.

Picture summary!:
A few shots from the Adidas 5K that Penny, Kari and Ellie did.
The "American food" section at the grocery store near here. Penny's sister found a website called that imports a bunch of American food [mostly cake mixes and cereal, but still cool!] that I'm excited about.
London weekend: On Saturday we went to the London Aquarium. No flash photography allowed, and honestly, I'm not going to bore you all with photos of fish. A turtle shot, but no other fishies. We tried to go up to the Prime Minister's house but it was blocked off, so Mollie took a few pictures of me outside the gates. We went to Buckingham Palace also, which I remember from my People to People trip from 2001, but not too well. The Pope was here over the weekend, so there was a lot of security stuff set up on the way to the Palace, which was cool to see. No real need to see the man himself though.
Then shots from the crayon's trip to Church on Sunday.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Michaela just sent me a link to this picture...It's definitely how I've felt pretty much my whole life!

Thanks, Michaela! =]

Anyway, I might be off to London this weekend to stay with Hannah and Mollie again...I want to try to go do something touristy, and they want to take me to another Australian bar that we couldn't go to the last weekend I was there. I have to take Ellie to judo at her school Saturday morning because...

Kari made the lacrosse team at school!!!!!
She's super excited! She was singing and dancing around the kitchen all afternoon [not that singing and dancing are completely unusual behaviors for her, but I promise, this was different], and we ordered Dominos for a celebratory dinner, much to Ellie's delight! This is the first team sport she's done [in the past she's done tennis and swimming and stuff like that]. They have a match on Saturday morning and Kevin won't be home, so I told her it's not a problem for me to take Ellie to judo so she can take Kari to the match. Plus, I've never seen judo so it should be interesting.
Anyway, I won't be able to go until Saturday afternoon, which is fine. I promise more pictures from London this time if I go!

Tomorrow Ellie is going to let me do something completely new to her hair for school. Usually it's just a low pony tail, since she has to wear a [very cute] hat to school, but I put a little side braid in my hair yesterday, and again today, and practiced on hers today, and we convinced her to do it for school tomorrow. She's very simple and kind of set in her ways when it comes to her hair, so I'm exited that she said yes to something else! I told her I'd do it to mine too so we can match, and I'll have Penny take a picture or two of our matching hair, so there might even be THREE posts in a week! =]

Please please PLEASE let me know if you're reading. So far just my parents have let me know...and I already knew they were [I still like that you are though, mom & dad!]!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another week!

Last week all three kids started school. Harry went back on Tuesday night, since he boards during the week and classes started Wednesday. Ellie started Wednesday morning as well, and Penny, Kari and I took her to school, since it's also Kari's old school. We went to Westfield, a huge mall, that day, and I gave in to my love of stationary and pens at Paperchase, which was awesome.

Kari started school on Thursday, so that was the first day all the kids were gone all day. Friday I watched Cassidy for the morning while Penny and Kevin were out, and we had a great time.

I had a nice weekend, I went out on Saturday afternoon with two other au pairs, Marika and Elin. Marika drives here and HAS A HONDA FIT. Okay well it's a Jazz here, but it's a Honda Fit and makes me miss Little Blue! We had a nice time in High Wycombe at the Eden Center.

This week is the first full week of the kids being in school. Here's an idea of what my schedule is every day:

7:00 am-7:20 am Get up and dressed.
7:20 am-7:35 am Eat breakfast, usually make Ellie breakfast and get Ellie upstairs to get ready. Usually around 7:35 Kari and Penny leave to take Kari to the bus.
7:35 am-8:20 am Make sure Ellie is totally ready for school, has all her stuff for the day, do Ellie's hair, and usually we have a few minutes that Ellie will use to play a game before we have to leave for school at 8:20.
8:20 am-8:35 am Either Penny or I will take Ellie to school and come back home.
8:35 am-3:40 pm Do whatever needs to be done at home during the day. Each week it's cleaning the floors downstairs and dusting, ironing, cleaning/dusting the kid's rooms and bathrooms, cleaning the stairs, and anything else that comes up during the week.
3:40 pm Leave to go pick Ellie up at school, come home.
3:40 pm-7 pm Eat, do homework with the girls, help get Ellie into bed for the night.

That's pretty much it during the week.

Yesterday Kari and I were brushing up on our British history...She's preparing for her common entrance tests in the spring, which is basically what she'll be studying for all year. The exams are a pretty big deal. We learned about Edward I, Alexander III, and that back in the day [okay, and today still, but not as bad] that people are SUPER uncreative in naming their kids. Alexander III's wife was named Margaret, they named their daughter Margaret, and SHE named HER daughter Margaret. Um, like that's not confusing...

Tonight I'm going to a meeting with some other au pairs which will be nice.

I sent out some more letters, so write me back or send me your address so I can send you some too! Oh, and let me know who's out there reading this, leave me a comment [with your name, pretty please...Jess P, was that you with the ranch comment???]

I can't believe I almost forgot this!!!! I finally got my diploma in the mail this week!!! Here are some [okay a lot of] Skype screen shots of my dad opening it, and a Sparky appearance!