It started just after Thanksgiving in parts of the UK, but didn't snow here until Monday night. Kari got REALLY excited that she might not have school on Tuesday, but so far it hasn't been that bad. It snowed more last night, my guess is about an inch, but I really have NO idea.
I've been bundling up when I go I wore knitted tights under my jeans, AND socks. Plus a beanie, gloves, arm warmers, a scarf, and a coat over my shirt and cardigan.
Kari's out for the night for a school thing, and it's just me and Ellie at home tonight, so we had a snowball fight after school, it was awesome. We had one on Tuesday too, and she got me right in the eye, but we've since discussed snowball fight etiquette, which in my world includes NOT hitting people in the face. Much better efforts today, no one got hit in the face.
Other than snow, not a lot out of the ordinary has been happening here...I got to have "Thanksgiving" here, Penny and Kevin were both out that night, so Selena and Kiv very kindly brought over turkey, carrots, cranberry sauce, and some non-Thanksgiving foods like sausages and yorkshire puddings. I made corn bread [my favorite!] and rainbow chip cupcakes...Which I ALMOST messed up so bad. I added 1 1/3 cups of oil instead of 1/3 of a cup of oil, and since it was a box mix, I wasn't sure how to fix it! I ended up putting regular flour in until the consistency looked better, and they turned out pretty good, so hooray for an avoided catastrophe!
I've been doing lots of exploring on walks with Bindi, and there are SO MANY gorgeous green areas around here.
I'm flying back to Ohio on December 14th, I'm super excited!!! My momma and Nate will be at the airport when I get there, the plan is for them to meet me at my gate, I'm really getting impatient! I want to start packing already but know it's still just a LITTLE too soon!
And with that, I leave you with pictures!
i miss snow so much! thanksgiving week was down to the 40's, so it felt almost like being in the snow, but it's not the same!
When you talk about getting hit in the face with the snow ball... I had the urge to ask if it was magnetic. ;] Love and miss you!
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