Thanks, Michaela! =]
Anyway, I might be off to London this weekend to stay with Hannah and Mollie again...I want to try to go do something touristy, and they want to take me to another Australian bar that we couldn't go to the last weekend I was there. I have to take Ellie to judo at her school Saturday morning because...
Kari made the lacrosse team at school!!!!!
She's super excited! She was singing and dancing around the kitchen all afternoon [not that singing and dancing are completely unusual behaviors for her, but I promise, this was different], and we ordered Dominos for a celebratory dinner, much to Ellie's delight! This is the first team sport she's done [in the past she's done tennis and swimming and stuff like that]. They have a match on Saturday morning and Kevin won't be home, so I told her it's not a problem for me to take Ellie to judo so she can take Kari to the match. Plus, I've never seen judo so it should be interesting. Anyway, I won't be able to go until Saturday afternoon, which is fine. I promise more pictures from London this time if I go!
Tomorrow Ellie is going to let me do something completely new to her hair for school. Usually it's just a low pony tail, since she has to wear a [very cute] hat to school, but I put a little side braid in my hair yesterday, and again today, and practiced on hers today, and we convinced her to do it for school tomorrow. She's very simple and kind of set in her ways when it comes to her hair, so I'm exited that she said yes to something else! I told her I'd do it to mine too so we can match, and I'll have Penny take a picture or two of our matching hair, so there might even be THREE posts in a week! =]
Please please PLEASE let me know if you're reading. So far just my parents have let me know...and I already knew they were [I still like that you are though, mom & dad!]!
I'm reading!! That sounds adorable!
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