
Friday, August 6, 2010

Initial Posting!

Hello out there!
Some background to start out with: I'm a 21 [22 at the end of the month]-year-old recent college grad. I majored in journalism with an emphasis in photojournalism. Just before I graduated [late April], a friend & classmate of mine mentioned that her sister was looking for someone to take over her AMAZING job in London as an au pair [like a nanny]. Sounded cool, right??
Later that day I asked about the job, and two weeks later was for sure leaving sometime in August for LONDON for at least a year. Super-fast life decision! [And if you know me at all, you know I'm not a fast decision maker, so really that's a miracle.]

I'm leaving in two and a half days for my trips, and I'm not nearly ready! I leave home Sunday night for Ohio, where I arrive Monday morning. Spend Monday-Thursday afternoon there, then head to the airport for London!
Before then, I need to finish packing up/cleaning out my room at mom & dad's, AND finish sorting out my packing [stupid 50 lbs. airline baggage limits....]! SO MUCH TO DO.

This'll be my first foray into public blogging, hopefully I don't disappoint!
Hopefully I remember to update this!

Here's me after the department graduation ceremony, super stoked [this is also me testing picture posting...]

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